Buying a property in Spain is often a life endeavor, a dream that involves not only our financial resources, but also a significant time in searching for real estate.
The importance of the process of making our dream come true is related to official and legal or life and family aspects – creating many questions and many doubts.
It all takes you another time and can take away the peace and joy of a fulfilled dream and expose you to damage.

Trust, loyalty, peace and security of dreams are highly valued values for you, then you are in the best place to invite Spain to your life.

We have created a service for the sake of the most demanding customers, guaranteeing comfort and attention to time and finances.

Get to know the services we provide to our clients as part of comprehensive service or support at various stages of the process of purchasing property or staying in Spain.

How can we help you?


you buy with a Property Agency or on your own. Check the property before reconnaissance / booking with the Property Agency. Advocate, Civil Engineer / Architect, Real Estate Appraiser and Expert – we will provide you with clear and specialist full information about the condition of the property. You can also order photos / videos online or check the location of the property.


from the selection of property through a comprehensive property audit, to the achievement of full satisfaction with the purchase. We carry out the entire property purchase process.





First steps in Spain – official formalities. Official matters in Spain, while living in Spain and beyond. You have a case in the office / court
in Spain. we will contact you
with a lawyer or tax advisor.



Services provided by specialists with extensive knowledge and specialist qualifications – lawyers, translators, tax advisors, appraisers, architects. All in one place in defense of the Buyer!

All your matters are in the hands of one person – a trusted and experienced Property Advisor who is in touch with the client 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We build lasting partnerships with our clients based on mutual trust. This guarantees the maximization of customer benefits and profits. We ensure the high comfort of dream safety


Choose comprehensive cooperation with an Independent Property Advisor

For you, it saves time, as well as the possibility of obtaining the most optimal solutions. This broad perspective allows you to avoid many problems and eliminate unnecessary stress or risking financial losses.

We only work with the Buyer side!

What will you gain?

 We will present you an individual solution

 We will prepare an action plan – tailored to your needs

 We will point out important aspects and share our experience

 Practical advice on how to protect yourself against risks and what to ask the seller and the property agent

 We will answer your questions, doubts, concerns – you will receive reliable answers with substantive value.

 We will get to know your expectations and you will get to know how we work and we will quote our service.

 We will decide whether we want to cooperate with each other, what counts for us is trust and commitment as well as your comfort and satisfaction

Interview with an Independent Property Advisor, a practitioner living in Spain with many years of experience

Learn how we work in an individual model, we implement a solution tailored to your expectations.
Book an interview with an Independent Property Adviser in Spain.

We strengthen the Buyer’s position on the property market in Spain

We invite you to an initial conversation

during which we will learn about your needs and you will learn how we work for your satisfaction.
You will learn what to pay attention to, we will look at your case and present the real estate market and Spain itself.
Below are examples of activities that we conduct as part of  comprehensive service for our clients


● Property Audit
● Property Selection
● Reconnaissance in Spain
● Obtain Financing in the Bank of Spain
● Property Potential Assessment
● Analysis of Reservation Agreements, Land Register, Mortgage, Area Information Detailed legal, technical and financial verification of property / Technical acceptance
● Technical commissioning Measurement of the real size apartment / Thermal imaging tests
● Verification of the spatial development plan / Tourist License


● Analysis of the development contract with attachments and the prospectus
● Verification of illegal clauses (e.g. contractual penalties) and analysis of investment security
● Recommendation of provisions to be negotiated
● Checking the financial and legal condition of the developer


● Verification of the right to the premises, building and land as well as belongingi
● Review of elements that may hinder sale: mortgages, easements, claims, inconsistencies between books, alarming information about the area


● Detecting defects and indicating elements suitable for repair or replacement
● Verification of compliance of the flat or house with Spanish Standards, design and contract
● Measurement of the real size of an apartment, as well as technical assessment of the belonging of an apartment or house;
● Verification of, among others space, moisture and belongingi
● Ensuring that the defects are recorded by the developer in the acceptance protocol
● We perform technical acceptance
● Wykonujemy również badania termowizyjne


● Investment Management – short-term / long-term rental
● Aftersale service


● N.I.E./Número Identidad de Extranjero
● Residence/ Certificado de Residencia EU
● Registration / Enpadramiento/Padron
● Electronic signature / Firma Digital/Certificado Digital
● Health / life insurance/ Seguridad Social/INSS
● Transfer of insurance from another EU country
● Opening a bank account
● Świadczenia w Seguridad Social
● Otworzenie działalności / Alta Autonomo/Cotización
● Rozliczenia podatkowe dla rezydentów i nierezydentów. / Impuestos
● Rezydencja Podatkowa ustalenie/rozliczenia
● Zapisanie dzieci do szkoły żłobka
● Rejestracja / Przegląd samochodu w Hiszpanii / DGT/ITV
● Tłumaczenia oraz interpretacja tekstów prawnych, umów, korespondencji, pism, maili, etc.
● Otrzymanie spadku lub darowizny wiąże się w Hiszpanii
● Impuesto sobre Sucesiones y Donaciones
● Sporządzanie umów kupna sprzedaży
● Sporządzanie umów najmu mieszkań i innych lokali użytkowychh


● Registration of companies, sole proprietorship and other business entities.
● Electronic signature / Firma Digital Legal
● Business relocation to Spain / consulting services
● Legal, tax and business consultancy for property investors
● Tax settlements for residents and non-residents.
● IRPF – Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas)
● Tax Residence of Residents and Non-residents – determination / settlement

Art-Vida to grupa specjalistów: Doradca Podatkowy, Adwokat, Tłumacz Przysięgły, Niezależni Doradcy Nieruchomości – Eksperci na hiszpańskim rynku nieruchomości pracujący dla Ciebie w ramach jednej usługi. Naszą misją jest opieka Kupujących nieruchomości na rynku hiszpańskim. Pracujemy niezależnie, wyłącznie z Klientem. Dbamy by, świadczone dla Ciebie usługi były na najwyższym poziomie.
Jesteśmy Twoim zaufanym Partnerem w Hiszpanii. Wierzymy we współpracę opartą na relacjach, szczerości, przejrzystości i otwartej komunikacji. Szanujemy czas i pieniądze naszych Klientów.

Copyright by Anna Milewska Art-Vida 2010 - 2021