Professional representation of interests in the Spanish institutions in everyday and business life for you and your family members.

We speak the client’s native language, we speak your language, not the legal or official language, the most important factor for us is trust and transparent communication.

We care about your comfort, peace and safety during acclimatization in Spain.

Range of activities:

Recognition of professional qualifications
Visas and residence
Trade and services (enterprises)
Vehicles and driving license
Family benefits
Pension rights
Working abroad
Unemployment benefits
Health insurance
Access to education
International capital flow or payments
Tax refund.

We are a guide to official procedures in Spain – we explain, prepare documentation, arrange and accompany clients in offices. We explain and familiarize the law in the tax, administrative and legal systems in Spain for our clients in everyday life. Thanks to our advisers you will save time and regain a calm head to fully enjoy your stay and acclimatization in Spain.

Examples of issues that we solve:

Buying, renting a property, a house with a legal contract
A residence in Spain for you and the whole family
Learn Spanish
Temporary free health insurance for you and your family
Permanent health insurance
Bank account / Mortgage
Help in enrolling children to kindergarten or school (documentation, place and meeting)
Help in choosing services to your home (Internet, telephone, electricity, water, etc.)
Help with medical visits
Purchase / import from another EU country and car registration
Own business or company with Polish-speaking accountant
Rent or purchase of a business premises

Get to know our full offer in the other tabs on the site.

Art-Vida to grupa specjalistów: Doradca Podatkowy, Adwokat, Tłumacz Przysięgły, Niezależni Doradcy Nieruchomości – Eksperci na hiszpańskim rynku nieruchomości pracujący dla Ciebie w ramach jednej usługi. Naszą misją jest opieka Kupujących nieruchomości na rynku hiszpańskim. Pracujemy niezależnie, wyłącznie z Klientem. Dbamy by, świadczone dla Ciebie usługi były na najwyższym poziomie.
Jesteśmy Twoim zaufanym Partnerem w Hiszpanii. Wierzymy we współpracę opartą na relacjach, szczerości, przejrzystości i otwartej komunikacji. Szanujemy czas i pieniądze naszych Klientów.

Copyright by Anna Milewska Art-Vida 2010 - 2021